

個客改REQUIREMENT加新REQUIREMENT而無加時間, 我們趕到痴Q線, OT O 到仆晒街, 攰到抽筋, 係我們錯.

班友唔Q識寫API, 都算, 份DOC同個API又唔同, 我們跟足DOC做野唔WORK, 原來又係我們錯.

之前又話乜Q SUPPORT都有, 又話幫手這樣那樣, 有TEST ACC同CODE, 到頭來班友乜Q都唔知又唔識搞, 能力不足, 原來又係我們錯.

我們日日做到跳晒老舞, 原來中間人唔知發生事同REQUIREMENT有大更改, 班友都唔跟約做, 我們現在出聲, 又話我們遲出聲, 又係我們錯.

我們自己要理返咁Q多事情, 同之前無Q分別, 咁我點解要合作, 我不明. 我重要唔知能唔能夠收到錢……….加班費都蝕埋……………

真係, 最錯那個應該係我, 我錯晒……….

The “List” of the “Countries”

In the old time, while the mainland Chinese can’t access the Internet, the world was different. There were no one cared about the list of “Countries”. Hong Kong was a British colony, Macau was a Portuguese colony, Taiwan is actually an independent country called the Republic of China. No one was care about the “Countries” list that include Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan until the mainland Chinese could finally access the Internet.

After the mainland Chinese accessed the Internet, they complained everywhere, said Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan should be removed from the “Country List” and made so many website follow “their” rules. Then the problem came, as Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are really different from China. We have our own legal system, our own border, our own currency, our own education system, our own International post code, our own International phone code, our own cultures, etc, etc, by definition, we are actually countries, while we were trying to fill in the postal address, we actually could’t find our places. As you know if we just fill in “China”, the postal would never send to the right place as the International postal code really have different places. These had been happened for several years even there are still some sites have this problem nowadays, the credit card address was wrong, the banking address was wrong, the services support region was wrong…

Then we finally found a solution to shut the mainland Chinese mouths, we change the name of “Countries List” to “Countries / Regions List”. But if we forget to “Add” the term “Regions” on the list, they will complain and said Hong Kong and Taiwan are not countries, please add the “Regions” back.

In fact, add the “Regions” or not, it doesn’t change the function of the system, it just for the mainland Chinese feeling good but no one would care about it except the mainland Chinese…


今日係放榜日子, 新學制下的公開考試, 明顯係一試定生死. 考得到的, 固然開心, 恭喜可夠資格入讀香港的大學, 考不到的, 不開心是必然, 感到灰心亦係必然. 但事實已定, 人要生活, 人生如何, 下一步要怎樣行, 就一定要想想. 我的經歷, 不代表什麼, 只不過係我一個小小的故事, 想和大家分享, 十幾年後今日再回想, 究竟讀書所謂何事? 而人生又係什麼一回事?

這個, 亦係我想尋找的.

小學時, 當年中學派位, 能入讀華仁, 其實真係無什麼感覺, 開心的只係父母. 當年第一志願選華仁, 純是因為我自己擲骰決定. 當年第一志願, 家母最後決定在三間名校中選一間, 分別係華仁, 英華, 和伊利沙伯. 我在三間之中, 其實都不知哪一間好, 最後尾決定由天主決定(當年因讀天主教小學, 那時係非常信天主的, 但無受洗過), 最後華仁係以三個六18點成功成為我的第一志願, 那就讀了.

但入到去, 由於當時係雲集了其他各校的精英關係, 加上是中文小學出身, 英文和其他由英文小學出來的無得比. 加上小學考第一的成績, 純係籐條下迫出來, 一到中學開始感受到自由, 自然放懶. 結果第一學期試的成績, 當然差, 但至少全部合格, 好在都無去到全班第尾, 只係在中下的位置.

我好記得當年班主任同我講過一句話: “你這樣的成績, 入大學係天方夜譚. 哈哈!”
“哈哈!”這兩個字當然係我自己後加, 但我這一世都會記著這句話[1].

Continue reading “放榜”

Why we have to study history?

Why we have to study history?
History is for us to learn our dark side, not the bright side of the countries’ or world’s history.
Why we have to learn our dark side?
It could remind us to prevent the wrongs, to correct ourselves, to improve ourselves, to bring the society and the world to have a better future.
If people, most likely the politicians or those who have power, are just want the people to learn the bright side but not the dark side of the history, the bad history such as world war or any other kind of anti-human rights things would be happened again.
The politicians or those who have powers are just thinking themselves. They are just thinking how to protect they currently have and gain more power and benefit on themselves. Please don’t trust them they are really care about people.

Have you ever seen the politicians help on the weaks and poors?

No, they never. All doing on these are the NGOs and citizens who are keeping to push the political parties and the government to do somethings to help the weaks and poors.
In democracy, the politicians are just only thinking about the elections, how to get more votes in the elections.
In dictatorship, those who got the powers are just thinking how to keep their powers.

If the China still keeping the people not to know the dark side of CCP itself, the China is no hope at all.
For Japan, if the group of the right wing is trying to use their powers, trying to inflict the idea of Militarism before 1945 to their next generation, taking about the dark side of the war time is a masochistic history and should not to teach, it is absolutely not good on the future of Japan itself.
If we are not using our tiny power to stop it, the situation would become worse and worse.
There would be finally a great war between China, Japan and Korea that I am really not willing I or my next, or next next generations to see.


網上有文, 曰, 河流為何彎彎的流?
對曰, 河之彎彎, 乃係因前有山石地型阻路, 順勢而行也.
為人之道, 如河一樣, 需順勢而行, 方能順利到達終點, 入海去也.

乃一半正確, 雖河流因地勢而彎彎的流, 但河水之侵蝕作用, 能改造地型, 正所謂滴水可穿石;
河流, 亦會取其易出海之道, 而侵蝕作用, 其目的是為日後能更易前進.
為人之道, 原理相同, 有時需順勢而行, 但不可因順勢而行, 而忘了自己的目的、理想, 時要努力改進, 堅持, 乃為開闢更易出海之道.
另, 雖地勢頑固, 但假以時日, 必被改變. 因此人必需心存正道, 假以時日, 必能改變別人, 走向善之道.